About Me

I'm nerd-bear (Discord nerd.bear),
a 14-year-old programmer with a very large intrest in software development. I have been coding in python for the last 4 years and in C++ for the last 3 months.

I wanted to code because it allowed me to make the tools I use every single day, the way I want and even just create new software from sratch. I'm particularly interested in low-level programming and graphics rendering, which led me to explore C++ and OpenGL.

Skills & Tech Stack

Programming Languages

Python C++ JavaScript TypeScript ASMx86

Web Technologies

Bulma Tailwind CSS HTML

Other Skills

Bash Batch OpenGL



A mixed function software currently in development. More details coming soon!

OpenGL Experiments

Various graphics rendering projects using OpenGL, GLFW, and GLAD.

Py-Week 38

A fun new upcoming PyWeek Game for PyWeek 38 made by the Day Games Team

Future Project

Exciting new project coming soon. Stay tuned!


Self-Taught Developer

2020 - Present

  • Learned Python through self-study and personal projects
  • Learning C++ and low-level programming concepts
  • Developing web development skills using modern frameworks and technologies

Open Source Contributor

2022 - Present

  • Contributed to various open-source projects on GitHub
  • Collaborated with developers from around the world


Discord: nerd.bear